Friday, February 27, 2015


From México, is for you!
The Interview

By Darkzen

Greetings friends! This end of month, I have this great interview with a band with style and eager to make his mark in the Metal and National scene in México, Melphomene! which leave us and tell us who they are!

Greetings from México, it's a pleasure to know about you guys

¿How have you been guys?

Melphomene: Hi!  What's up, We have been fine. we are very busy and happy with Melphomene

¿How did the band begin?

Mario: The band gradually emerges and started when Esthibaliz and i decided to rescue many old songs, that we had saved since a long time ago.

We had never used this songs before.

We decided to rescue them, update them and remove dust, from that moment  we created a new project where we could play all that songs.

¿What does the name of the band mean?

Mario: Melphomene is the greek muse of the tragedy and also was considered the muse of the singing, the harmony and the mother of mermaids.
We decided it was the right name for the band.

¿Esthibaliz is your real name?

That's right, it is my real name.
Its origin is Basque and it means "made of honey".

¿What has been your vocal and musical training?

Esthibaliz: My training has been within the classical singing, this has allowed me to develop a technique and a wide vocal range.

I like many musical styles and try to use every style and every technique in my musical repertoire.
I studied the singing career in the University of music in Mexico and took lessons of classical singing for many years.

¿What are your musical influences, bands or singers that have influenced you?

Esthibaliz: My main influence and also favorite singer, is the soprano Joan Sutherland. Tarja and Nightwish have been an strong influence in my music.

Bands like dream Theater, Aesma Daeva, Rhapsody, Within Temptation and pop artists like Michael Jackson and Madonna.

¿What are your activities offstage? What are your hobbies?

Esthibaliz: Offstage i'm dedicating to the music and the art. I'm a private singing teacher and i have a chorus with my students.

Also, i'm still studying singing, acting and dancing to continue my artistic growth.

¿What is the essence of Melphomene? What do you want  to share us?

Mario: We want to share what we are, what we like, the ideas that inspire us to compose our music. Besides, we want to share the incredible voice of Estibaliz.

This genre had always liked us but we had never had the opportunity to explore it.

Melphomene is feelings, ideas, inspiration, exploration, experimentation, ideals and dreams from all of us.

¿What can you tell us about the EP "Destructive Crescendo"? How was the production?

Ignacio: It was a curious and funny process, i had just entered to the project when the recording started. The songs were taking form gradually.

Mauricio: The ideas were pretty clear and it was easy to carry them out.
The tracking of the drums was made in two days and the rest of the instruments were added little by little at the studio.

¿Did you write some songs?

Esthibaliz: Yes, Mario and i. We take care of the songs, but there are collaborations from the other members of the band.

Mario composed "Always" and "Little sins", the song "Mother night" was composed by our friend Jorge Castilla.

"Howl" is a song composed by Omar Silva who was the former bassist of the band. I took care of write the lyrics and the voice melodies.

"Maiden and Death" is a song that was elaborated in collaboration with other friend of ours, Adrian Gallardo. The music of that song was totally created for me.

Finally, in the song "Destructive Crescendo" Mario and i decided to work together, creating the music and lyrics.

¿It will have a video clip?

Ignacio: We have been talking about make a video and we want to have a good visual material to share. We will give you more information later.

¿What do you guys think about the survey that won for the Female Metal Voices Fest?

Mario: It was a great surprise, we realized of all the support that we have, from the people who voted for us.

We are excited of have won, in this poll there was a lot of great bands. Bands from all over the world.

Win this poll means that more people will know us through, people from other countries, not only from mexico.

¿What do you guys think about the Female Metal Voices Fest?

Esthibaliz: We want to play in this festival. Is a festival very famous where all the important bands within the genre come.

Besides, this festival helps to a new bands and we'd like to play at this festival in the not too distant future.

¿There's something else you guys want to share with us?

Esthibaliz: Keep you aware with all the relative of us, continue supporting us and keep listening our music!

Thanks for all the support and all the affection!

More Info

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