Singing of Devil will surprise!
By Darkzen
Greetings! my friends
This week I bring you a very special
Kristin Evegard the talented vocalist of
Diablo Swing Orchestra is a súper band, with great sound, melodies, unique
blend of styles! Kristin is a great singer, natural and beautiful!
Well my friends! I leave this interview!
you very much! For this oportunity!
In América Latina the Diablo Swing Orquesta
is loved.
You’re welcome! I’m happy for this
opportunity to speak with you and your readers.
are you?
I’m fine thank you, I’m very exited to be a full time member of this band since I feel like
it's my own territorty music wise, but still feels fresh and challenging at the same time.
We’ve noticed that we share a lot of influences and that we hit it off socially very well from the start. It's such an amazing bunch of people to write music with!
us your history, how you came to this genre musical?
Musically I’ve not been bound to a certain genre. I’m classically trained but have been
dabbling with a lot of genres in my past projects. Within the band we share the idea of
having a very wide musical frame when it comes to composing. I find it liberating and
really enjoy myself within this creative atmosphere. When I was asked to join the band I
didn't hesitate for a minute since I was drawn to the open mindness and the feeling of no
boundary when it comes to what the band can do musically.
are your musical influences?
I think that I share the view of having favourite songs from every genre with the rest of the band. I've been listening to everything from rock to pop, folksongs and metal. Lately I've been stuck listening a lot to Tori Amos, Eric Satie, Susanne Sundfør and Muse.
is your vocal training?
I havent undergone that much training but have always been active within choirs and been singing my whole life. I studied music at high school where I got vocal and piano lessons.
kind of music you like inside of metal?
I haven't been a very active listener when it comes to metal before joining the band, but
I’ve been fed with different kinds of metal lately and I’ve come to appreciate the energy
within some of the bands such as Slipknot, Dismember and Entombed.
good choice, Death Metal! Another of my favorite styles! Slipknot mmm, good at
first, then without comment J
motivation made you be the singer in DSO?
I really enjoyed the music I was presented
to and I felt that I both could contribute to the band as well as learn from the experince.
you hope to convey with the music and the Diablo Swing Orchestra band?
I hope that the band continue to break new
ground when it comes to musical fusion that might not be the most common ones.
is already an EP soon?
We’ve realeased a single in november and
we’re very pleased with the response. We knew that there was gonna be a discussion about
me not sining in a opera fusion but I’m confindent that many of the sceptics will
be pleased when they hear the whole record. Just as previous ones we have alot of different
kinds of songs in store and are very exited to present the results of the creative
process later in 2015.
message would you give to fans DSO?
I hope that they will appriceate the kind
of new direction the band has taken vocal wise and I’m sure that the upcoming live
performances will be a blast!
you very much for your time and to hear from you! Anything else you would
to share with us?
Make sure to keep an eye open for DSO
concerts in a near future and see you on the road!!
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1 comentarios:
Watch out.....the moment will come that scary hairy daniel has enough of you
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