Friday, February 6, 2015
The Beautiful Hadassa Kosten!
By Darkzen
Hi Friends! This week I interviewed another great singer; Hadassa of the band theNAME! From Holland! Read the interview and learn more about the previous album 'Unchained' and the new album!
Hi! Thank you very much for to have this interview with us!
You are welcome, thank you!
Happy new year!
Thank you, same to you!
How have you been?
Good! I hope you too!
How was 2014 for you?
It was a very intense and great year. A lot has happened. We got signed by V2 records, we toured with Tarja through Europe, we had the honor to do a lot of great interviews, we received great reviews about our album ‘Unchained’, we got discoverd by top producer Beau Hill and many other things happened. It was a great theNAME year!
Tell us about yourself! Who is Hadassa?
Behind the scenes, I am also always busy with theNAME: making new plans, writing new lyrics and melodies etc. Further, I am enjoying the great house I live in, I have the sweetest cat in the world, I love champagne, I like to go out (dancing, dining, concerts etc.), I love to spend time with my family and friends, I like all kinds of art and I love fashion. That’s a glimpse of what I like to do and who I am. Though my biggest dream is to continue being the singer of theNAME, achieve as much as I can with theNAME and enjoy it to the max.
What are your hobbies? What do you like to do?
Next to the things above, I also love to watch films and series. I love fantasy, I like it if it contains some great strong women to inspire me and I love it when it has a certain glamour.
How was your musical training? How do you train your voice?
I used to take singing lessons. I went to different teachers who used different techniques on me. I noticed that it is important to choose the technique that feels best for you. Some techniques looked and sounded good to me as I saw someone else use it, but when I had to do it, it just didn’t work for me. Now I know what works for me and in the future I would like to take classes again to improve what I can do. Right now, it is important for me to keep my voice in shape. You can simply do that by doing the exercises you feel comfortable with, every day.
What does mean the name of your band, ‘theNAME’?
Silas made ‘theNAME’ up. He wanted it to express a certain attitude, like we are the name in metal J
What is the concept of theNAME?
Silas started the band and he wanted to combine heavy music with clean, female, pop sounding vocals. He found in me what he was searching for. We both love to give entertaining live performances. We both love to pay attention to how it sounds and how it looks. We both like to make music with lyrics that have a meaning. We both love (melodic) metal, and though that is a music style that requires a great technique, we are musicians who play with our hearts. Next to that, we both like to add a certain sensuality and a touch of rock ‘n roll to the music we make. So Silas wanted to make the music that fits him best and present it in a way close to him. And I just happended to feel the same way. That’s why this is the ‘concept’ of theNAME. It is the only logical way to us.
Which song of ‘Unchained’ do you like best and why?
I like ‘Draw the line’. I like the attitude of it and I like the dynamics of both the vocals and music. We usually open our shows with that song. The boys start the intro and when the intro stops, I get on stage and scream: ‘You dare to challenge me!’ After that, the guys play the rest of ‘Draw the line’. I love to show some attitude. I think it is important for people to show their strength. Next to ‘Draw the line’, I love ‘Into my dream’. Because of the music in total, but also because of the lyrics. I am an idealist. I have to add that I am proud that all the lyrics of ‘Unchained’ are written by me. I love writing a lot.
Has the album been received well by the audience and press?
Yes, and I am very proud of that! Of course there are people who like it better and some like it less, but that is ok. I think we have grown a lot since the last album and I feel we can grow even more. I am looking forward to recording an even better, new album.
With who would you like to sing a duet and why?
Oh, I would know a lot of great singers I would like to do that, like with Simone Simons, Anneke van Giersbergen, Lzzy Hale, Doro or Sebastian Bach. And of course Tarja, she is so sweet, it was an honor to tour with her!
Will there be a new album this year?
We are writing a new album at the moment, yes. But we will take as long as we need. We are not in a hurry. We have to be completely happy with it. It’s an intense process to create a new album.
Will you have guest artists on your next album?
Maybe, if we feel it will add something musically. Right now we are first busy with creating the songs.
Will there be a new music video?
Yes, I think so! I love making up the stories for our music videos and shooting them. It’s like making your own little movie ;)
Anything else you would like to share with us?
Keep following us at our websites, check us out at our shows and leave me a message at my Facebook: I’m always curious what you want to share! Further, I am looking forward to a great new cd, new music videos and new gigs. Right now, I am enjoying the creative process of writing a new album. All the components that make having a band, have their own beauty J
Thank you very much for this oportunity!
You are very welcome, thank you!
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