Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Diabulus in Musica: Sceneries of Hope (New video and single)

The band Diabulus in Musica have published the following statement by their Facebook:

"Hello friends!

Last week we finally received our very first videoclip! It will be officially released at MFVF and it will be included on the new MFVF’s DVD, to be released the 21st October.
The videoclip was recorded in four different and unique places in the Basque Country:
-A roman saltmine called “Añana” which is going to be declared world heritage as it’s the only one which is built on terraces. Here you can see some pics of the making of ;)
-A big Quarry called “Kanpazar”, very impressive place, with long galleries digged inside the rock.
-Two natural reserves in Navarra: “Urederra” and “Urbasa”. Both very beautiful forests.

The first single of the new album and the one we chose for the videoclip it's called “Sceneries of Hope”. It has been mixed and mastered by the great producer Jacob Hansen, who is actually mixing the whole album now!

We are really happy with the result so far and can’t wait to share it with you all!

More news soon :)"

And here you have the first photos:

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