Saturday, August 1, 2015



By Darkzen

Greetings friends! this week, i talked with the beautiful Chiara Tricarico of Temperance band!! she tells us some things about your new álbum!

Thank you very much for answering these questions, charismatic and great person!

So we go to the interview!

Hello! Chiara! Thank you very much! For this opportunity! With you!

Thank you… my pleasure!

¿How are you my friend? You have an interesting personality! and very attractive!

Thank you, i’m fine!

¿How is Chiara offstage?

That’s a hard question…i don’t know how to describe myself…you should ask my friends, ahah!

Tell us a little about yourself! In your musical career and in your college career!

Congratulations! on getting your degree and finish your thesis! Molecular Biology you study! It is a very interesting science, ¿How you combine the two passions? Science and Music!

I have been taking singing lessons for many years now… in the beginning I mainly focused on operatic singing, and only recently I have discovered my interest for the modern style.
Talking about my Master Degree...thank you, I’m glad I’m done with my university studies!
How to combine both? ….well, sometimes I just don’t have time to sleep, ahah!

¿What kind of music does influence you the most? And Why?

I can say that I like many different musical genres, but the ones that I like the most are classical and metal music, for sure.

Temperance is Italian modern metal band, ¿Would you give us a little background on your band?

Temperance is quite a new band….we have formed less than two years ago, even though we have beeen knowing each other for a long time, and some of the guys in the band were already playing together for other bands. When we first decided to start this new journey together, our purpose was to give birth to a band in which to merge any musical genre we might like, and this is way you can hear many different musical influences in our songs.

Temperance is a Modern Metal band of Symphonic Metal or Classic Symphonic Metal, to you Which is the difference?

Well, we actually don’t think it is necessary to label our music because, as I mentioned, we like to merge many different musical genres…so, we usually, if we have to define ourselves, we use the term “Modern Melodic metal”, but there are also many symphonic, classical, electro, folkish, poppish and extreme metal influences in our songs, so we know that this label is quite limiting…you have to give a listen to our music to understand what we are talking about.

I really liked your álbum Limitless! ¿As was the production of this new álbum?

Just like for our debut album “Temperance”, Marco and Giulio composed the music. This time I wrote the whole lyrics. We started working on “limitless” right after our US tour last autumn…we had much adrenaline that was stilll rushing through our veins after that experience, and so we couldn’t refrain our creativity stream. And, last but not least, came the mixing and mastering by Simone Mularoni: we are so proud we had the chance to work with him again, and we think that he did an amazing job, as usual.

Well this questions is, which track of Limitless best captures the essence of the álbum and the band? For someone who has not Heard Temperance before and for your fans

Oh, well, another hard question…I think that every song in the album works just like a piece in a puzzle, so every song brings the real essence of our work.

¿Can you introduce the songs, lyrics and atmosphere? Which was the inspiration?

The opener “Oblivion” has a symphonic taste in it: there is a massive children choir in the beginning, and I had the chance to use my operatic vocals in the chorus. The lyrics talk about music and how it can help people overcome even the darkest of times.
“Amber and fire” is an introspective song, with folkinsh influnces. “Save me” was the first music video taken from “Limitless” and it is a very energetic song. “Stay” is definitely a love song, and it sounds like a balld in the beginning, while it turns heavier shortly after. “Mr. White” is our personal tribute to the TV series “Breaking bad”. “Here and Now” is a song full of electro elements and the lyrics are about time.
In “Omega Point” we find again massive vocal parts by Marco, which I really like.
“Me, Myself and I” is another energetic one, and it was the first single taken from “Limitless”. “Side by side” talks about friendship, which is a value that we all in the band keep in high regard. “Goodbye” is the song which is the closest thing to a ballad in the album, while “Burning” has many power metal and electro elements in it, and the lyrics are about a moment of extreme happiness. “Get a life” is very different from the other tracks. The last track “Limitless” talks about being ourselves in every situation, despite what the world says, and to always find the strenght not to conform to external standards.

¿When we have to Temperance in Latin América?

Hopefully soon! We would absolutely love to visit you!

¿There will be a new vídeo, like Save Me? I liked this vídeo!

We don’t know yet…but we are glad you like “Save Me”: we had much fun recording it.

¿Any surprises this year with Temperance and Chiara?

If i’d tell you…it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, ahahah!

Darkzen: L

¿Anything else you'd like to share my friend with your fans?

Sure…thank you very much for the support and let’s keep in touch! You can follow us on our facebook page

On our website

And we are also on Instagram now (@temperanceofficial).

Thank you very much for this super opportunity with you! ¿Any last words what you want to share?

Thank you, it has been a real pleasure talking to you…hopefully we will have the chance to chat again, and hopefully in person in Latín América!

Darkzen: that's for sure I'll be waiting for you!

Chiara Tricarico

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