Sunday, April 5, 2015


By Darkzen

Our friends from Spain, Suddenlash band with vocal leader Lidia Guglieri needs your support! here the message:

Last November we shot the music video of Shelter, one of our most emotional songs. It is now in post-production. We need additional funds to finish it and thus to be able to concentrate on the live presentation of our band with the highest guarantees of success.

Suddenlash is a Symphonic Metal Band from Barcelona. In 2010 we started this ambitious project and now, at last, we are about to play live and thus to offer the results of our work during all these years. From the very beginning, Suddenlash is searching for quality in all its aspects: encompassing from the songs composition to the artwork and booklet of our CD, Soul’s Revenge. In the same way, our live show is being rehearsed thoroughly and will have a careful staging. Our first music video, obviously, could not be less.

We commissioned its direction to Miguel Ángel Font, a prestigious film director, and production has spared no expense. The locations and costumes are amazing. The actors are very professional and the audio will be mixed specially for the occasion with the highest quality standards. Filming took place last November; therefore the video is already underway and in its post-production phase. And on top of things we hired an outstanding colourist, and a great FX team.

All this, of course, costs money. Currently, we are also facing the expenses needed for the live presentation of the band with the highest guarantees of success. Our show has to be spectacular and perfect. The sum of these costs is making us ponder the possibility of postponing the presentation of the video (despite being already filmed) because, until now, all production expenses went out of our pockets. It is because of that that we need your help.


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