The 3rd album from Factory of Dreams is nearly complete and will be available for pre-order early January 2011 through Progrock Records. Check the short promo with the Cover! Both short promo, seen here, and full teaser (to be released in January) by Filip Walgraef. Promo tracks mastered by Chris Brown and mixed by Hugo. The cover artwork and the fantasic booklet are designed by Iribel and can be see here:
Melotronical's tracklisting goes as follows:
1- Enter Nucleon
2- Melotronical
3- A Taste of Paradise
4- Protonic Stream
5- Into Oblivion
6- Obsessical
7- Back to Sleep
8- Whispering Eyes
9- Subatomic Tears
10-Dimension Crusher
11-Echoes from Earth
12-Something Calling me
"It's almost here after so much hard work on this new album! We're proud to present the Cover Artwork for Melotronical! Early January everyone will be able to pre-order the album, watch the Official full Promo teaser and a longer preview mp3. So, get ready to feel Melotronical with our brand new album!" - Hugo Flores
News by: Factory of Dreams